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Read in 2014

(and some in December of 2013 to be honest, especially the Pratchett ones)

RR means ReRead

  1. William Gibson - Futurematic RR
  2. Terry Pratchett - Good Omens RR
  3. Terry Pratchett - Soul Music RR
  4. Terry Pratchett - Hogfather RR
  5. Terry Pratchett - Going Postal RR
  6. Terry Pratchett - Making Money RR
  7. Terry Pratchett - Pyramids RR
  8. Terry Pratchett - Guards, Guards RR
  9. Terry Pratchett - Man at arms RR
  10. Terry Pratchett - Feet of Clay RR
  11. Terry Pratchett - 5th Elefant RR
  12. Terry Pratchett - Nightwatch RR
  13. Terry Pratchett - Thud RR
  14. Brandon Sanderson - Legion RR
  15. Brandon Sanderson - Emperor's Soul RR
  16. Brandon Sanderson - Alcatraz vs the evil Librarians
  17. Brandon Sanderson - Alcatraz vs the Scrivener's Bones
  18. Brandon Sanderson - Alcatraz vs the knights of Crystalin
  19. Brandon Sanderson - Alcatraz vs the shattered lens
  20. Mark Tufo - Zombie Fallout
  21. John Scalzi - Ghost Brigade
  22. William Hertling - Avogadro Corp.
  23. William Hertling - A.I. Apocalypse
  24. William Hertling - The Last Firewall
  25. Jasper FForde - Jayne Eyre Affair
  26. Raamez Naam - Nexus
  27. Raamez Naam - Crux
  28. Ernest Cline - Ready Player One RR
  29. Alan Dean Foster - Midworld RR
  30. Alan Dean Foster - Icerigger RR
  31. Alan Dean Foster - Mission to Moulokin (In Progress)
  32. Alan Dean Foster - Aliens RR
  33. Alan Dean Foster - Alien 3 (In Progress)
  34. Eliezer Yudkowsky - The Baby Eatin Aliens RR
  35. Orson Scott Card - Enders Game RR
  36. Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the Dead
  37. Orson Scott Card - Xenocide
  38. Terry Hayes - I am Pilgrim
  39. BattleTech Series - James D. Long - Main Event RR
  40. BattleTech Series - James D. Long - D.R.T RR
  41. Charles Stross - Accelerando (In Progress)
  42. Stan Nadolny - The Discovery of Slowness (In Progress)
  43. Terry Pratchett - Nation RR
  44. Terry Pratchett - Last Heroes RR
  45. John Scalzi - Old Mens War RR
  46. John Scalzi - The Last Colony
  47. Nigel Findley - 2XS RR
  48. Nigel Findley - The house of the Sun RR
  49. Tom Dowd - Burning Bright
  50. Brandon Sanderson - Firstborn
  51. Laston Kirkland - Little Worlds RR
  52. Markus Heitz - Aeterniats RR
  53. Markus Heitz - Gottes Engel RR
  54. Markus Heitz - T.A.K.C 3000 RR
  55. Frank Herbert - Dune RR
  56. Michael Crichton - Prey
  57. Jake Koke - Der Cyberzombie RR
  58. Jake Koke - Bis zum bitteren Ende RR
  59. Andy Weir - The Martian (A MUST READ!)
  60. Marcus Sakey - Brilliance (Brilliance Series)
  61. Brandon Sanderson - Steelheart
  62. William Hertling - Singularity Series No 4 (Beta Reader)
  63. Brandon Sanderson - Mitosis
  64. Philipp P Peterson - Transport
  65. Marcus Sakey - A better World (Brilliance Series)
  66. Terry Schott - The Game
  67. Terry Schott - Digital Heretic
  68. Terry Schott - Interlude: Brandon
  69. G. Stolyarov II - Death is Wrong
  70. Michael Stackpole - Wolf and Raven
  71. Zoltan Istvan - The Transhumanist Wager
  72. David Simpson - Sub Human (Post Human Series)
  73. David Simpson - Trans Human (Post Human Series)
  74. David Simpson - Post Human (Post Human Series)
  75. David Simpson - Human+ (Post Human Series)
  76. Terry Pratchett - Long Earth
  77. David Simpson - Subhuman (Post Human Series) (In Progress)
  78. Terry Schott - Virtual Prophet (In Progress)
  79. Cory Doctorow - For the win
  80. Terry Pratchett - Total Verhext
  81. Andreas Eschbach - Die Haarteppichknüpfer

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