
Orga Trunk


This is the Orga Trunk ™

This is my Orga Trunk. There are many like it but this one is mine. My Orga Trunk is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my Trunk is useless. Without my Trunk I am useless.

Well - at least you will make your life WAY easier. Or at least that's what i think, but what do i know.

The Trunk

Choose something not TO big, not to fancy. If you have access to an old AmmoBox, take it.


The Box needs to be sturdy, cause it will not be treated nice.

Alu is fine, at least that's what i used (for now) It needs REALLY stable handles! Two off em. Mine even snap back automagically.

Also it should have wheels. Well mine will get some soon. Because carrying sucks. Let's Archimedes do the job.


This is stuff that I find useful for Event Organizers.

Future Ideas

Alte Liste

alles markiert und gelabelt und bei Todesstrafe verboten es zu verleihen